I look down the counter at my daughter Merriam. She is waiting there on her tower, a genius contraption that raises the toddler to counter height so they can take part in all that is grown up kitchen activity. At this moment she props herself up on the counter with her little folded arms, feetContinue reading “Providing”
A Life Between Mountains
Our home sits at the base of Sal Mountain. We reside in her morning shadow, which means the sun doesn’t hit our place directly until nearly eleven a.m. during the shortest winter days. This makes an already cold place, a bit colder. This also means that she provides us no shade from the hot afternoonContinue reading “A Life Between Mountains”
An Athlete’s Land Ethic
I waited way too long in life to read Aldo Leopold’s classic work A Sand County Almanac. Well, technically, I listened to it and interestingly did so during one of only two experiences I have had with real urban living. Having spent nearly my whole life in Idaho and northeast Oregon I had taken aContinue reading “An Athlete’s Land Ethic“
What exactly is it that I do?
There is a conversation I have had a hundred times over at this point in my career. I am at a social gathering, I am introduced to someone, and they ask what I do. Sometimes just for my own entertainment I pretend I don’t know that they are inquiring about my career. On these occasionsContinue reading “What exactly is it that I do?“
Go Find Boredom
By all accounts our first child has been an incredibly ‘easy’ baby (I’m now frantically knocking on wood for daring to type that). I guess she is a technically a toddler at eighteen months of age. We have a very short list of areas that Merriam really gives us challenge. One of those areas thoughContinue reading “Go Find Boredom“