An athlete asked me the other day where I got my coaching philosophy from. Hmmm, that’s a broad question with plenty of different facets. I didn’t have a quick answer other than it came from my experiences, research, and patterning what was effective over the years. I realized later that night lying in bed thatContinue reading “On Mentorship”
Why Do We Compete?
Last weekend I got to be back at a track meet coaching for the first time in just short of a year. While some of our athletes got the opportunity to compete in 2020 and early 2021, this was the first time I was able to join any of them in that competitive arena. ItContinue reading “Why Do We Compete?”
Confidence vs. Toughness
I cringe at the term toughness when it is thrown around in athletics, and particularly in distance running. I guess I am not very tough . I react this way for a couple reasons. First, I don’t think any athletic endeavor should be approached as a toughness contest. This is not the point of the basketball game, theContinue reading “Confidence vs. Toughness”
Person > Athlete > Runner > ?????
There is an order I try to view everyone I coach from……person first, athlete second, runner third, specific event focus (miler, steeplechaser, marathoner, etc.) fourth. The same approach works for any sport really: person, athlete, basketball player, guard for example. It even works for non-athletic endeavors: person, artist, musician, guitar player. I also think ofContinue reading “Person > Athlete > Runner > ?????”
Lessons of Breaking Trail
Yesterday as I was snowshoeing up a mountain, breathing so hard I felt like I was about to spit my heart out of mouth, I had the opportunity for some serious rumination on breaking trail. For those unfamiliar with breaking trail in snowshoeing, it simply refers to being the first one to cut a trackContinue reading “Lessons of Breaking Trail”