I was doing a consultation with a high school coach last week when I found myself saying something realized I repeat often, ‘I love pyramids, I use them for everything.’ The topic was programming training for a track season and I was sharing with her how I organize my training components into a pyramid thatContinue reading “A Love Triangle, of Sorts“
Author Archives: Pat McCurry
The Overvalued vs. The Undervalued
Over the years I have found that most athletes and coaches tend to hold a short list of principles in very high regard, the things they think really matter. Unfortunately, these tenets commonly held in such esteem are not the most important in truly exploring one’s potential. They are not inherently detrimental things, let meContinue reading “The Overvalued vs. The Undervalued”
On Coachability
There is no trait I have found in an athlete with a higher correlation to performance than coachability. Yes, I know, shocking to hear this from a coach. Newsflash, coach likes it when his athletes do what he says! Actually just doing what coach says is not true coachability but we will get to thatContinue reading “On Coachability”
The Inconvenience of Connection
This past weekend our seven-month-old daughter Merriam got to meet her Great Uncle Pat, whom I was named after, for the first time. They gazed into each other’s eyes, and she reacted to his voice with great curiosity. Those of us watching were pulled into the moment, as these two humans separated in time byContinue reading “The Inconvenience of Connection”
The Value of Discomfort
In my adolescent years I spent a good chunk of each winter waterfowl hunting in the farm and ranchlands of Western Idaho. I loved it, probably mostly for the time with my father and our bird dog Cheska. Hunting gave my dad and I a shared activity to connect over at an age where connectionContinue reading “The Value of Discomfort”